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JY: Selected as Guangdong Province Intelligent Manufacturing Eco-Partner


Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the third batch of Guangdong Province Intelligent Manufacturing Eco-Partners, and JY is honored to be one of the selected units, which also represents the recognition of our products and services by the provincial government departments.

Screenshot of public announcement

Screenshot of public announcement list

As a supplier of AGV intelligent assembly and intelligent logistics system, JY provides a rich product line, including: load-bearing, traction, assembly, forklift and other AGVs, covering SLAM laser navigation, QR code navigation, tape navigation and other widely used navigation modes in the industry, JY adheres to the customer demand oriented to provide customers with feasible customized solutions to meet the needs of customers' continuous development. Meet the needs of customers' continuous development.

In the future, as one of the intelligent manufacturing ecological partners in Guangdong Province, JY will actively participate in the tasks of the intelligent manufacturing ecological partner action plan, in-depth promotion of intelligent manufacturing, and contribute to the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in our province.

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